Migrating from Ingress to Kubernetes Gateway API

Webinar Description

The Kubernetes Ingress project is officially frozen. Instead, new Ingress features are getting added to the all-new Kubernetes Gateway API. Gateway API CRDs standardize Ingress specifications across various Ingress controller and service mesh implementations. And they solve the limitations of Ingress.

Migrating from Ingress to Gateway API is inevitable. For DevOps managers and architects, it has to be seamless. The migration should not cause downtime, requiring careful planning and implementation. In this session, we will discuss what you need to consider while planning and implementing Gateway API.

Join the webinar to learn:

  • Introduction to Kubernetes Gateway API
  • Why should you migrate from Ingress to Gateway API?
  • What are the things to consider while planning the migration?
  • Q&A

Register Now

Date : 11th January 2024

Time : 09:00 AM PDT | 10:30 PM IST | Thursday


MD Azmal

Md Azmal, Founding Engineer

Azmal is one of the founding engineer at IMESH, who focuses on boosting enterprise performance and security using Istio and Envoy. He's a versatile full-stack developer skilled in building scalable and performant applications in the cloud. Azmal's interest in cybersecurity and networking has led him to work on various research projects in network security.

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