Implementing Istio Ambient Mesh on AWS EKS

Webinar Description

DevOps and architects are excited to implement the faster and lighter version of Istio i.e., Istio ambient mesh. The best part about ambient mesh is that one can implement security using ztunnel which is a node-level proxy. And as the adoption increases, they can plan to implement network features using waypoint proxy.

Unlike Istio, implementing mTLS in Istio Ambient mesh for encrypting the data-in-transit does not need a lot of resources due to the shared node-level proxy. Join the webinar to find out:

  • What are the underlying components of Istio ambient Mesh?
  • How ambient mesh is different than Istio service mesh?
  • How to install and implement security features in AWS EKS?
  • Is ambient mesh the right service mesh for you now?

  • Register Now

    Date :26th October 2023

    Time : 08:00 am PST & 08:30 pm IST


    Ravi Verma

    Ravi Verma, CTO, IMESH

    Ravi, a technology visionary, brings 12+ years of experience in software development and cloud architecture in enterprise software. He has led R&D divisions at Samsung and GE Healthcare and architected high-performance, secure and scalable systems for Baxter and Aricent. ​His passion and interest lie in network and security. Ravi frequently discusses open-source technologies such as Kubernetes, Istio, and Envoy Proxy from the CNCF landscape.

    Istio and Envoy is used by