Hybrid sidecar mode with Istio Ambient mesh

Webinar Description

Istio Ambient mesh is lighter and faster than the sidecar-based Istio service mesh. However, it is certainly far from the widespread adoption. DevOps and architects who are innovators are willing to experiment with sidecarless Istio Ambient mesh. Even in dev or testing environments, the rip-and-replace strategy for implementing Istio Ambient mesh will not work. So, the question is where and how to start with Istio Ambient mesh.

Well, there is a hybrid approach where sidecar and sidecarless data plane can be implemented; yes, Istio and Istio Ambient mesh can coexist. Join the webinar, where we will discuss the following:

  • Approaches to implementing Istio Ambient Mesh gradually
  • Use cases where sidecar and sidecarless service mesh will coexist
  • How to ensure security, network, and observability with Istio and Ambient mode on
  • Other FAQs

  • Register Now

    Date :09th November 2023

    Time : 08:00 am PST & 08:30 pm IST


    Ravi Verma

    Ravi Verma, CTO, IMESH

    Ravi, a technology visionary, brings 12+ years of experience in software development and cloud architecture in enterprise software. He has led R&D divisions at Samsung and GE Healthcare and architected high-performance, secure and scalable systems for Baxter and Aricent. ​His passion and interest lie in network and security. Ravi frequently discusses open-source technologies such as Kubernetes, Istio, and Envoy Proxy from the CNCF landscape.

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