Getting started with (primary/primary) multicluster Istio

Webinar Description

Many large enterprises like retail and banks are adopting open-source Istio service mesh to abstract and better manage security and network of microservices. To either tackle cost or achieve HA/DR, they apply multicloud and multi-cluster strategies in their production system.

Implementing Istio in multicloud environment can be tricky, and architects often take time for experimentation. Join the webinar to learn:

  • Various ways to achieve multicloud and multicluster configuration for Istio implementation
  • How to set up primary-primary multicluster Istio in EKS and AKS
  • Other best practices wrt configurations.

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Date : 22nd February 2024

Time : 09:00 AM PDT | 10:30 PM IST | Thursday


Ravi Verma

Ravi Verma, CTO

Ravi, a technology visionary, brings 12+ years of experience in software development and cloud architecture in enterprise software. He has led R&D divisions at Samsung and GE Healthcare and architected high-performance, secure and scalable systems for Baxter and Aricent. ​His passion and interest lie in network and security. Ravi frequently discusses open-source technologies such as Kubernetes, Istio, and Envoy Proxy from the CNCF landscape.

Istio and Envoy is used by